I'm Back!

I'm Back!
I had no intention of taking such a long break from this blog...but life sometimes intervenes!

In August we took a week long vacation to the beach.  We enjoyed our time away--some of it on our own, some with friends.  We missed having our oldest son with us but stalked facebook for updates on his time in South Dakota with Mennonite Disaster Service.

On the second-to-last day of our vacation, I came down with the flu.  I have not been sick for quite awhile and this hit me hard so I was not doing to much for several days, and only a bit more for the next few days!  That Thursday we started school--some of the children at a local school, some are homeschooling.

Last Saturday our son had an allergic reaction to something--we don't know what.  So we ended up in Quick Care to get him treated on Sunday.  While the medicines have helped significantly, I can still see the evidence of the outbreak.  It is a bit scary as we have no idea what triggered this outbreak (or a similar reaction at the beach).  Also this week 2 of our children were sick with whatever I had.  Our daughter is back to normal but our one son is still not feeling well.

I'm hoping and praying that September settles down and we can regain some normality in our life!  :-)

Golden Touch I Kit

This is one of my favorite kits.  We use these oils frequently.  In fact, I keep them all together in my drawer so that I can easily find them.   This kit contains Digize Vitality, Endoflex Vitality, Juvaflex Vitality, Melrose, RC, Raven, and Thieves Vitality.

Speaking of oil organization, I organized my oils in a drawer in my kitchen.  I ordered some extra foam inserts and cut them to fit.  In the first row I have my citrus vitality oils (in alphabetical order)--handy for adding to our water or NingXia Red.  In the second row I have the oils from this kit.  After that are all of the rest of the oils I have, alphabetized.

August Rewards!

The oils in the photo are FREE with a qualifying Quick Order and/or Essential Rewards Oils.

Lemon Vitality - I put a couple of drops in a glass of water for a refreshing taste.
Citrus Fresh - My house smells nice and fresh when I diffuse this.
Envision and Clarity - I like to diffuse these while homeschooling or when working on tasks.
The Kidscents lines - I use these oils frequently with my children (and sometimes myself!)

And so July ends...

Happy last day of July to all of you!

I've been enjoying trying various summer blends in my diffusers.  This morning I diffused this blend:

Island Living
3 Drops of Orange
2 Drops of Ginger
2 Drops of Ylang Ylang

This afternoon I'm going to try another one:

Herb Garden
2 Drops Rosemary
2 Drops Lemon
2 Drops Thyme
1 Drop Spearmint
I did subsitute Jade Lemon for Lemon as I inadvertently ran out of Lemon and Lemon Vitality.  This blend reminds me of sitting around our fire pit on a lovely summer day.  I have some herbs planted in pots and several types of mint teas as well.

I'm eagerly awaiting tomorrow to find out what products Young Living is promoting for the month of August!  Other than that, I feel a bit bittersweet about August.  I love summer (except for the humidity part), so I'm a bit sad that it is coming to an end, that the days are getting shorter, that school is starting again.  On the other hand, school resuming brings a bit more order to my life and that's a good thing!  And I do love the cooler weather as well.

Wrapping Up July

So we are approaching the end of a month again.  I have a rare week where I have hardly anything going.  Only two appointments!  So I'm hoping to get caught up on some things that take a back seat during the weeks when I have many appointments, like last week.

Today I'm working on finalizing my August Essential Rewards order which includes looking at what I want to buy in August and whether there are any items that I want to order yet in July.  

I have various scraps of paper in front of me that I am making notes to help me decide.  We are huge fans of Young Living's NingXia Red supplement--and I misjudged how much we would use now that more of us are taking this supplement regularly.  I'm trying to decide what is my best deal and how I want to buy more.  

We generally keep a bottle in the refrigerator (I prefer it cold) for those at home.  My husband takes the individual packets with him on the truck.  They are also handy to throw in a bag or take on vacation.  I often buy the Combo pack which includes 2 bottles and 30 individual packets.  Bottles can last longer (use less than 2 oz.) or go quicker (misjudge the 2 oz. when pouring).  I also like to buy another starter kit which gives me 2 bottles, 30 individual packets +2, a box of 14 Nitro (my favorite product) and a 5ml bottle of Stress Away (my favorite oil).  So I'm figuring and debating here about how I want to order.

On another scrap I have the products that I need to replenish (Mindwise, NingXia Red, Bar Soap, Helichrysum).  And I'm making notes about adding them to my August order, putting them on hold until September, or ordering them with the Rewards Points (Helichrysum). 

Other things I'm looking to order?  Lemon/Lemon Vitality (how did I run out of that?!) and items that are limited to 1 per month per account to make sure that I have an extra or two in case they go out of stock.  (Speaking of that--Going Out Of Stock, while inconvenient, is not actually a bad thing!  It shows that Young Living is willing to lose money rather than compromise on the quality of any given item.)

I'm thinking I want to make a specific list of supplements/oils that each person uses that I can check against each month to make sure that I have what is needed.

The Savvy Make-up brushes have become available today as well so I'm contemplating whether to order them (they are expensive, but high quality) and that NingXia Red Starter Kit via Quick Order--decision, decisions!
Enjoy your day! 
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