New Products!

I ordered these new products the end of June and they arrived with my July order.
  • Insect Repellent - I'm carrying this in my bag but haven't used it yet as the bugs haven't been bad here.
  • Seedlings Baby Oil - I love the smell of this one.  I use it with my bab.  :-)
  • Fulfill Your Destiny Essential Oil Blend - I diffuse this one and love it.  I was a little worried because some people have said it smells like black jelly beans--but not to me.  My son thinks it smells like Root Beer--I don't smell that either.  I'm not sure exactly what it does smell like, but I do like it!
  • Aftersun Spray - I bought this to take to the beach.
  • Seedlings Diaper Wipes - For the baby.  They are also good as a make-up remover.
  • Aminowise - My husband uses this one.  He enjoys the taste of it!
  • Alkalime - Haven't tried yet
  • Super Cal Plus - I bought this for me.
  • Savvy Mineral Make-up - Love it!
I bought a Blush, Lipgloss, amd Lipstick.  I love the shades.  It's been awhile since I bought make-up but I'm looking forward to doing so again.

July Promotions

These are the promotions I bought for placing an Essential Rewards order of 300 pv:  Rutavala Roll-On, En-R-Gee, Aromaease, Fennel, Lavender Vitality, Essentialzymes-4, and my favorite product, NingXia Nitro!

Products for my kids.

Products for my kids.
Between my end of June order and July essential rewards order, these are the items that I purchased.
  • KidScents MightyVites - Two of my kids take these regularly
  • KidScents MightyZymes - My son had taken these in the past.  They were out of stock for awhile but now we are trying them again.
  • KidScents Shampoo - I love this gentle Shampoo for my kids.
I also bought two items from the new Seedlings line.  While specifically designed for babies & children, these items can be used for others as well.
  • Baby Wipes - With a baby in the house we go through lots of these!  Rumor has it that they also work well to remove makeup at the end of the day.
  • Baby Oil - As many baby oils are petroleum based, I had not bought any for this baby.  I'm excited to try this out!

Desert Mist Diffuser

Desert Mist Diffuser

I bought this beautiful new diffuser.  The tangerine and peppermint essential oils came along as promotional items.  I love the many diffusing and light options and combinations.

If you have a Young Living membership, you can order this special deal by going to the Quick Order page in the virtual office.  Place the Diffuser, Frankincense, Orange, Lemon, and Lavender oils in the cart.  The peppermint and tangerine will ship automatically with the diffuser.   The item numbers for the oils end in "D".  If you do not have a membership, you would need to first purchase a basic starter kit or premium starter kit.  Once your account was set up, you could place a Quick Order for these items.
**Offer good through today.

Delivery Day

Delivery Day
I was so excited a bit ago!  The Fedex truck pulled into the driveway.  :-)

This order was a combination of an order I placed at the end of June (for new products introduced at Convention) and my July Essential Rewards order.

I opened the box...

And unpacked all of these fun products!

Rather than jam all the information in one post, I'll spread them out over a few posts.

Enjoy your day!
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