As we wrap up the month of September, I decided to do an impromtu Facebook event to share Young Living products with my team, my friends and their friends.  If you are reading this post because you are a member of my team, I'd love to have you invite your friends as well to see what Young Living is all about.  Send me a Friend Request ( and message me to request to join the event (Get Started with Young Living Your Way).  You can then add friends if desired.

If you're reading this as a member of my team but haven't really done much with Young Living beyond receiving the starter kit, this is a great way to learn a bit more about the variety of items that Young Living offers.

I am hoping to do more events in the near future covering the basics of essential oils, supplements, and other products.

(As a side note...if you're a member of my team and your essential rewards order processes in the beginning of the month as mine does, make sure to edit your cart before your processing date!)

Enjoy your weekend!


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