September Promotions
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*Items with a star are Essential Rewards order exclusives.  Essential Rewards is a monthly autoship program of Young Living.

Items are free with a qualifying order.

PV is a value assigned to each item.  For most, but not all, items the PV matches the dollar amount.

We use Oregano Vitality, Thieves Vitality, and Peace & Calming Essential Oils frequently.  Randy uses Inner Defense regularly.  I'm excited to try the Cool Azul Essential Oil as that's a new one for me!

Today I'm going over my list.  Throughout the month I add items to my Essential Rewards order.  Then near the time of ordering, I go back and painstakingly decide what items are most important so that I can stay within my budget.  Several members of our family take a variety of supplements regularly.  Those are always first on my list to check if we have enough for the following month or two.  I like to have a spare or two in case an item goes out of stock.  I'm currently out of several of our regular supplements (such as MightyVites for the kids) so they are a priority this month.


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