November Promos are announced!

November Promos are announced!
Wow!  It's November already.  I really am having a hard time believing that another year is almost over.  The leaves seem to have hung around a bit longer this year but I guess winter is coming.  There is a bit of chill to the air now, and I'm soon going to have to cave and wear a coat.

**For Young Living Members on the "Well-Oiled Machine" Team, there is an additional promo item for orders that hit 400 pv.  See "The Well-Oiled Machine" Facebook Group Page for details.

My favorites of this months promo items?  Christmas Spirit (love the scent!) and Frankincense.  The Ornament looks fun as well!  And I just saw that I'm out of Pine and Eucalyptus Radiata...

Today I'm diffusing...Thieves!  What are you diffusing?

Also today (or tomorrow) I need to go in and finalize my ER order for November.  Throughout the month I go in and add or adjust as I think of items that I need/want.  Then I try to go in and finalize my order the day of (or day before) my order is placed.  If I make a change to the total pv that I'm aiming for, I also go into my PV Assistant to adjust the amount that I do not want to drop below.

This Week Update

For Members:

Young Living is running a Flash Sale 10/24-10/26 on 8 of their most popular oils/oil blends.  Now would be a great time to stock up!
**Limit 3 of each oil per member.
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Now would be a great time to join Young Living!  Place an order for the Premium Starter Kit + each of the flash sale oils (Lemongrass, Lemon, Lavender, Thieves, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, Grapefruit, and Orange).  Receive all of this for $278 (*Plus shipping/tax) and Young Living will send you a bottle of Digize as well!  If it's in your budget to join, now is a fabulous time!  

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For Members & Non-Members:
A reminder that tonight is our "Beyond The Kit" Class.  You can find the link under the events tab of this website (  It's at 8:00, but if the time doesn't work for you, you can click "joining" and come back later to access at your convenience.  I will be sharing about Young Living favorites.  Hope to see you there!

October Updates/News

October Updates/News
  • Young Living's Christmas Catalog goes live on October 14.  Every year I'm excited to see what they are offering.  From past experience, if you see something you want, I recommend ordering as soon as possible as many items sell out quickly.
  • I have posted several online class:
    • Essential Oils Introduction
    • Celebrate Fall
    • Beyond the Kit 
    • You can find these classes under the "events" section of my website ( or on my facebook page "Karen Sauder - Young Living Independent Distributor" under "events.

October Promos are Amazing!

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Wrapping up September!

As we wrap up the month of September, I decided to do an impromtu Facebook event to share Young Living products with my team, my friends and their friends.  If you are reading this post because you are a member of my team, I'd love to have you invite your friends as well to see what Young Living is all about.  Send me a Friend Request ( and message me to request to join the event (Get Started with Young Living Your Way).  You can then add friends if desired.

If you're reading this as a member of my team but haven't really done much with Young Living beyond receiving the starter kit, this is a great way to learn a bit more about the variety of items that Young Living offers.

I am hoping to do more events in the near future covering the basics of essential oils, supplements, and other products.

(As a side note...if you're a member of my team and your essential rewards order processes in the beginning of the month as mine does, make sure to edit your cart before your processing date!)

Enjoy your weekend!
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