November ends...
I'm not quite sure how we are almost in December already.  Seems like we started 2017 just a few blinks ago!

If you have any interest in ordering Young Living products for gifts or DIY gifts, get those orders in soon.  Holidays tend to increase shipping/processing times.

Upcoming Classes:  Check the events area of my website for upcoming events.  Tonight is an Intro to Essential Oils.  In December we will be doing a class on toxin-free products/living and a Moms & Babies class.  I haven't decided whether to add another class in there (Holiday DIY sort of thing) or to take a break until after Christmas.

I've been enjoying taking some classes myself on DIY products to be used for gifts.  This year I think I will try making Foaming Hand Soap for gifts.

End of the month is also a good time to review your next Essential Rewards order--subtracting items you don't want to reorder this month and adding items to replace or try.  Double check your PV assistant to make sure it's set at the level you wish to order so that you don't miss out on any promotions desired.  Tomorrow (11/30) is also your last chance to place a qualifying order for any November promotions (available twice a month - once as an essential rewards purchase, once as a quick order).

I'm over here anxiously anticipating what the December specials will be!  I'll be back to post about them on Friday.

Enjoy your day!


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