November Promos are announced!
Wow!  It's November already.  I really am having a hard time believing that another year is almost over.  The leaves seem to have hung around a bit longer this year but I guess winter is coming.  There is a bit of chill to the air now, and I'm soon going to have to cave and wear a coat.

**For Young Living Members on the "Well-Oiled Machine" Team, there is an additional promo item for orders that hit 400 pv.  See "The Well-Oiled Machine" Facebook Group Page for details.

My favorites of this months promo items?  Christmas Spirit (love the scent!) and Frankincense.  The Ornament looks fun as well!  And I just saw that I'm out of Pine and Eucalyptus Radiata...

Today I'm diffusing...Thieves!  What are you diffusing?

Also today (or tomorrow) I need to go in and finalize my ER order for November.  Throughout the month I go in and add or adjust as I think of items that I need/want.  Then I try to go in and finalize my order the day of (or day before) my order is placed.  If I make a change to the total pv that I'm aiming for, I also go into my PV Assistant to adjust the amount that I do not want to drop below.


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