Today I'm filled with excitement and anticipation as well as trepidation.  I love the Thanksgiving/Christmas season.  I love the time with family and friends.  I love the food.  I love the lights and holiday traditions.  I love getting out the books and movies that I keep just for this time of the year.  However, I also have some trepidation...some of my kids don't do so well with schedule and routine changes.  And they don't do so well with all of those heavy meals and extra sweets and artificial ingredients and colors.  But I'm sure we'll survive as we have every other year.  :-)

One thing I'm looking forward to are the Young Living sales!  Young Living will be having a Black Friday sale and a Cyber Monday sale.  Be sure to check out their website frequently on those days as some of the things are only for limited times.

Sneak Peek....Waiting!

Enjoy your week!



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