Savvy Minerals Makeup

Savvy Minerals Makeup
I'm thinking that some of you reading this just love essential oils and anything to do with oils.  Others, like us, not only love the oils but also love the supplements!  But some of you may see no need for Young Living.  Well, as I mentioned, Young Living just came out with the Savvy Mineral makeup line.  Perhaps you are interested in trying the Young Living non-toxic makeup--but you don't want to buy the Premium Starter Kit because you don't want those oils and diffuser.

So here's another option!  Buy the Basic Starter Kit + whatever make-up you are interested in (at a 24% discount).  You get the benefits of a Young Living Membership and the 24% discount, but you don't need to do that "oil thing" unless you want to do so.  :-)

I have ordered some of the Savvy Minerals line and am looking forward to receiving it and trying it out.  I do need to buy some brushes yet as the Young Living ones are not yet available to purchase.

Other ways of putting together Savvy Minerals orders to capitalize on the monthly promos for those of you ordering via Essential Rewards or Quick Orders:

July Promos

July Promos
Here it is!  A graphic that shows what free products Young Living will send you if your order hits certain amounts.  Some promos are only available if you are on the Essential Oils Program as well.

And some graphics showing the specific products.
I have not tried this supplement yet, but now we can!

This is another oils that I have not used.  Guess I will need to pull out my resource books and see how I can utilize this one!

We love lavender at this house!  I typically buy the regular Lavender but I'm sure we can use the Lavender Vitality as well!
I have this as a blend but have not tried the roll-on version.

Thieves--we can always use an extra bottle of that around!  I love diffusing Thieves, love the spicy scents.  Sometimes I add a drop of Orange to it as well.

NingXia Red

We love NingXia Red!  

Several of us take NingXia Red regularly.  I love that this is available as a Premium Starter Kit, an Essential Rewards Kit (available only to members enrolled in Essential Rewards, Young Living's auto-ship program), or a Combo Kit (Bottles and 2 oz. packets) in addition to buying bottles or packets.


I have been saving my Essential Rewards points.  This month I cashed them in for a Raindrop Kit and (2) bottles of Lemon essential oil.

All I paid was shipping!  :-)

All this was included in the kit:

I see that I forgot to turn the labels so we can see them, but this includes bottles of V-6 Oil (for dilution) and Ortho Ease Massage Oil (A favorite here) as well as these essential oils:  Basil, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Valor II, AromaEase, Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Cypress.  As I had previously blogged, after watching a video by Shannon Hudson, I was inspired to cash in my points and see how these oils would work for us.  I've used them on Randy a few times and he loves them.  Two of my boys (ages 8, and 10) even allowed me to try the oils on them!  There is a flyer and DVD included which show how to actually do the technique and sometime I want to try the actual regimen.  But for now, I'm just using the oils.

Enjoy your week!

June Essential Rewards Order

June Essential Rewards Order

I love the Essential Rewards program (as I may have mentioned before).  

This month I ordered:
  • (1) Slique Tea - Ocotea Oolong Cacao - I have not tried this one yet but am looking forward to it!
  • (1) Deep Relief Roll-On - a product we use frequently and I keep an extra or two on hand at all times.
  • (1) Thyromin Capsules - my husband is currently taking this supplement
  • (2) Bar Soap - Lemon Sandlewood - one of the bar soaps I keep on hand
  • (1) SniffleEase - From the childscents line.  I keep this one around as well.
  • (2) Bar Soap - Peppermint Cedarwood - another soap I keep on hand
  • (1) Valor Essential Oil
  • (1) Purification Essential Oil
  • (1) PowerGize - A supplement my husband uses
  • (1) Life 9 - a Probiotic that several of us use so this one is frequently on my order
  • (1) MultiGreens Capsules - Another supplement my husband uses
Free Promotional Products with 300 pv/Essential Rewards order:
  • (1) 5ml Jade Lemon Essential Oil
  • (1) NingXia Red Nitro (14 tubes) - Probably my favorite YL Product.  :-)
  • (1) 5 ml AromaEase Essential Oil
  • (1) 15ml En-R-Gee Essential Oi
  • (1) 15ml Patchouli Essential Oil
  • (1) 15ml Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) Essential OIl
  • (1) 15ml Cypress Essential Oil
  • (1) 5ml Spearmint Vitality Essential Oil
I also received 20% of my pv as Essential Rewards points on my account to use for a future Quick Order purchase.
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