Products for my kids.
Between my end of June order and July essential rewards order, these are the items that I purchased.
  • KidScents MightyVites - Two of my kids take these regularly
  • KidScents MightyZymes - My son had taken these in the past.  They were out of stock for awhile but now we are trying them again.
  • KidScents Shampoo - I love this gentle Shampoo for my kids.
I also bought two items from the new Seedlings line.  While specifically designed for babies & children, these items can be used for others as well.
  • Baby Wipes - With a baby in the house we go through lots of these!  Rumor has it that they also work well to remove makeup at the end of the day.
  • Baby Oil - As many baby oils are petroleum based, I had not bought any for this baby.  I'm excited to try this out!


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