Back Again!

I know I've been gone from this blog.  My family and I took a 9 day camping trip around Pennsylvania.  I have so many blog posts in my head.  While I was gone, my Essential Rewards (Monthly Autoship) order showed up so I want to blog about that.  Another package containing items I purchased with my Rewards Points arrived as well.  And I want to blog about this month's promo items...

Young Living's yearly Convention was this past week as well.  I'm very excited about the new products and am looking forward to sharing about those items as well.

So I'm planning to post several times this week with all that information!

Talk to you soon!


Summer Vacation and Oils

Summer Vacation and Oils
Today was exciting!  I came home to a package from Young Living.  The end of last month I had suddenly realized that I was on my last bottle of NingXia Red.  So I ordered a NingXia Red Starter Kit on Quick Order.  It arrived today!

On to the topic of this post:  Summer Vacation.  Every year, in the summer, we go on vacation.  Many years we take a road trip.  The photo on this post is from a couple of years ago in New Brunswick.

 Ever since I started using oils, they became a new addition to my packing list.  And every trip I get to figure out which ones of my collection are the most needed and most versatile and thus indispensable.

I start by packing a diffuser.  We have a travel trailer and generally camp where we have electric.  Next I add a Desk Reference Resource Book so I can look up any topic to see what oils are recommended.  I can also simply sit around our campfire and read about these fabulous oils.  Then the tough part--the oils.  I usually start with the basics.  Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender, Digize, RC, Stress Away, Frankincense, Panaway, Purification.  I move on to those (if I haven't gotten them already) that are in the Golden Touch Kit.  This year I added the oils from The Raindrop Kit.  Then any other favorites such as Helichrysum, Citronella, and Northern Lights Black Spruce.  By now my case is getting rather full!  (I bought a case that holds 30 oils.  This year I'm taking 2!)

Oh yes, I must also remember supplements!  I pack the NingXia Red packets, NingXia Nitro, Life 9.  Randy takes care of the supplements that he takes himself.  I contemplate whether to take Mark's current list or to just do the NingXia Red and Life 9  and skip the rest (Mineral Essence, Sulferzyme, Mindwise, sometimes K&B).  I will definitely pack the ImmuPro and MightyVites.

Finally, I consider any other products--Thieves Laundry Soap, Lavender Mint Shampoo & Conditioner.  A bar of soap.  I google for recipes on the internet for any DIY products I want to take and make them as well.

What Young Living products do you take on vacation?!

Enjoy your day!

Essential Rewards To Do List

  • I have my essential rewards (autoship) order set to process on the 2nd of every month.  
  • So the 1st of the month, I finalize my order.  
  • When I remember, I double check on the 2nd to make sure that nothing went out of stock overnight.
  • Then within the next week, I go back into my order to start tweaking it for the next month.  That way, if something catastrophic or crazy would go down in my life, my order would process and not be a duplicate of the prior month.
  • The order would be a duplicate of the prior month if not altered in between.
  • Then, through the month, I add or delete as I think of other things our family needs.
  • Towards the end of the month, I go in and delete out any extras to bring the total pv amount to my desired amount.
  • If necessary, I adjust my PV Assistant during the month.  PV Assistant will add product to my order to meet my minimum PV that I set.  If something I ordered goes out of stock, PV Assistant will pull something from the list I set up to make sure that I don't miss desired promo items.
  • The 1st day of the month (for me--any day before your processing date) I take a look at the monthly promos to decide what my personal spending will be for that month.
  • And then I wait--for my order to arrive and I start all over again!
  • Oh, I will check a few days after my order processes to make sure it shipped.  If it hasn't, I call Customer Service to see if there are any issues.  This way I avoid missing out on promos due to a credit card issue or out of stock issue.
Enjoy your day!

June Specials!

The 1st day of the month is always an exciting day for me.  As a member of Essential Rewards, I'm always excited to see what free stuff is available each month (based on purchase price).  Because we do use a lot of Young Living products, I can usually get at least some of the promotional items free.

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I found this graphic on one of the facebook team groups that I belong to...I love that some people are so talented with designing graphics!  (Unfortunately, I'm not one of them--at least not yet.)  Thank you "The Co-op - Community of Oily People" for this great design!

I'm most excited about the NingXia Nitro.  I love Nitro--I believe in a previous post I mentioned how I make my favorite beverage, and Nitro is part of that.

Some of these promos are available to anyone placing any order that qualifies based on pv of order.  Others (in this case spearmint and/or patchouli) are bonuses only available to members who have signed up for Essential Rewards (ER).  If you are an Essential Rewards member, you can actually get all of these items twice!  Once with a qualifying essential rewards order and once with a quick order.

It's a beautiful day here.  The sun is shining!  Enjoy your day!


Wrapping Up May

So we survived the holiday weekend! Friday night our oldest son graduated from high school.  We homeschooled  him for high school and he worked really hard, getting all his credits in 3 years so that he could graduate a year early.  Saturday morning everyone was at various places so I got some alone time at home to actually clean uninterrupted.  I got so much more accomplished that way!  Sunday morning we went to our community worship service, a yearly service coordinated by our church and another local church.  Sunday afternoon/evening we hosted a graduation party for a son.  Lots of fun despite the rain!

Young Living in our lives this weekend?  Why yes!
  • Diffused a combination of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint
  • Daily NingXia Red for some of us
  • After watching that Shannon Hudson video the other night (I mentioned it in a blog post this week), I put the oils from the Raindrop kit on my husband's back.  I don't know anything about the Raindrop therapy technique, but just used the oils.  He must have liked them because he wanted them again.  :-) I may need to keep those oils together and handy!
  • Tranquil Roll-on.  It's my new fragrance of choice!
  • Supplements--but that's a whole 'nother post!
Speaking of oils, organization of all of those bottles can be challenging.  I like to have them in alphabetical order...I should do a post (with photos!) sometime and show you how I organize!

And as always, I'd love for you to join me in the Young Living lifestyle!  There is a link to get started on this website.

Enjoy your day!
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