I'm Back!
I had no intention of taking such a long break from this blog...but life sometimes intervenes!

In August we took a week long vacation to the beach.  We enjoyed our time away--some of it on our own, some with friends.  We missed having our oldest son with us but stalked facebook for updates on his time in South Dakota with Mennonite Disaster Service.

On the second-to-last day of our vacation, I came down with the flu.  I have not been sick for quite awhile and this hit me hard so I was not doing to much for several days, and only a bit more for the next few days!  That Thursday we started school--some of the children at a local school, some are homeschooling.

Last Saturday our son had an allergic reaction to something--we don't know what.  So we ended up in Quick Care to get him treated on Sunday.  While the medicines have helped significantly, I can still see the evidence of the outbreak.  It is a bit scary as we have no idea what triggered this outbreak (or a similar reaction at the beach).  Also this week 2 of our children were sick with whatever I had.  Our daughter is back to normal but our one son is still not feeling well.

I'm hoping and praying that September settles down and we can regain some normality in our life!  :-)


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