Greetings from a rather wet mid-atlantic area today!

September Gifts with Purchase include some of my favorite products.

100pv Tier - Free Shipping - any order

190pv Tier
-Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, and DiGize Vitality.  I love adding the citrus oils to ice and water for a refreshing drink.
-Bonus Subscribe 2 Save oils - Orange Vitality and Copaiba Vitality

250pv Tier
-Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops - Add these to your water for a delicious drink.  I have to hide these from my kids.
-Longevity Vitality
-EndoFlex Vitality

300pv Tier
-Life 9 - My favorite probiotic!
-Bergamot Grapefruit Vitality Drops - I love these vitality drops as well!

Enjoy the coming fall season!


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