So yesterday my kids wrapped up their last day of school, and we are on to summer vacation!  Today we woke up to cool, windy, rainy weather.  We have one of those rare, completely unscheduled days.  So exciting!  I'm planning on taking the kids to the library at some point today--necessary as I have books due that have already been renewed!

As is mentioned in the "about me" section of this website, I have a bunch of kids.  Unfortunately, they woke each other up this morning and were, um--disagreeing, very early.  This mama is never very impressed when her kids wake up early, taking up that time on her schedule that is designated for coffee,  Bible & prayer, and checking email/facebook/blogging!  So what did I do?  I went and found my Young Living Tranquil Roll-on to encourage my emotional well-being.  I got the boys settled (small building toys to the rescue) and went about what I wanted to do.  They played calmly for a while and now are eating breakfast.

Now I'm considering what I want to diffuse as we'll all be inside today.  Is there something I can diffuse to promote children cleaning the house?!  :-)

Enjoy your day!

P.S.  Oh, and the house at the top of this post--not ours!  It was the home of our 15th President, James Buchanan.  I homeschool a few of our children and we visited it on a field trip.  :-)  


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