Greetings from a rather wet mid-atlantic area today!
September Gifts with Purchase include some of my favorite products.
100pv Tier - Free Shipping - any order
190pv Tier
-Lemon Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality, and DiGize Vitality. I love adding the citrus oils to ice and water for a refreshing drink.
-Bonus Subscribe 2 Save oils - Orange Vitality and Copaiba Vitality
250pv Tier
-Lavender Lemonade Vitality Drops - Add these to your water for a delicious drink. I have to hide these from my kids.
-Longevity Vitality
-EndoFlex Vitality
300pv Tier
-Life 9 - My favorite probiotic!
-Bergamot Grapefruit Vitality Drops - I love these vitality drops as well!
Enjoy the coming fall season!
Good afternoon from a cool, rainy day around here. August brings wrapping up summer and starting school for our family.
Young Living has amazing "Gifts with Purchase" this month!
190pv - Thieves Dish Soap - I love this, especially for water bottles. No more soap tasting residue!
190pv - S2S Bonus - Luscious Lemon Essential Oil Blend. I love to diffuse this for a nice fresh scent.
250pv - Thieves Wipes (handy!) and Lemongrass Essential oil (nice for diffusing or on wool dryer balls)
300pv - Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, 3/pk - Nice for your hands!
400pv - S2S Bonus - Amber Glass Dispenser Set - I have these in my kitchen.
500pv - S2S Bonus - Desert Mist Diffuser - One of my favorite diffusers!
Enjoy the end of summer!
Greetings on this rather humid day! Thunderstorms came through last night and cooled the temps down a bit, but the humidity is still high.
The focus of this month's Gifts with Purchase is KIDS! We all use these products here, not just the kids.
-As always, orders of 100pv or more, get free shipping.
-Gentle Baby, 5ml - I like to use this on wool dryer balls
-ER Exclusive - Kid Power, 15ml - I have not used this often, but if I do, it's to support focus and attention
-KidScents Unwind - My husband loves these. They are a powder that you dump into your mouth. We like them when someone is feeling anxious or uptight.
-KidScents Sniffleease - We apply this topically.
-ER Exclusives - Owie, 5ml and Sleepyize, 5ml - We apply topically.
Enjoy your summer and stay cool!