Fall is in the air
It's been humid around here this week but the nights are cooling down a bit and the sun is rising later and setting earlier...fall is approaching.  Part of me is a bit sad about the ending of warm summer days and not worrying about coats and shoes.  Part of me is excited.  I love the looks and sounds of fall--the crunch of fallen leaves, the smell of those leaves, the vibrant colors.  And somehow too I begin to want to cook and bake using apples and pumpkins.  Not sure why, but it invariably happens every year!

This month's promos:

Ginger Vitality - Labeled vitality, Ginger can be used internally in cooking or in capsules.  I do not have the vitality version, but I like to combine the standard Ginger (same oil, different label) with other oils--cinnamon bark, nutmeg, orange--for a lovely fall scent.

Inner Defense - We use this supplement to support our immune system.

Raven - I diffuse this one or apply topically.

Multigreens - We use this supplement to get lots of great nutrients found in plants (because I've never gotten into green smoothies).

Sniffleease - I like to apply this topically to the back of our necks.

Need some fun, oily recipes for fall diffusing?  Check out my
 over the next few days.

What does fall look like in your life?


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