Welcome to 2023! Around our house we've been using our Young Living products abundantly. I'm diffusing Winter Nights blend and enjoying that. We're using Thieves Chest Rub, Chewable Vitamin C, and the Golden Touch Kit (Endoflex, Digize, Juvaflex, Melrose, Thieves, RC, and Raven oil/blends) and drinking NingXia Red in an effort to support our bodies.

Check out January's "Gifts with Purchase"!

-Lavender - the all purpose oil to diffuse or apply topically
-Super Vitamin D (qualifying Loyalty Reward Orders only) - for the person in our family who was diagnosed as Vitamin D insufficient.  At last check, her levels were back where they should be!
-Satin Facial Scrub - Rejuvenate your face!
-Acceptance - diffuse or add to wool dryer balls



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