• I have my essential rewards (autoship) order set to process on the 2nd of every month.  
  • So the 1st of the month, I finalize my order.  
  • When I remember, I double check on the 2nd to make sure that nothing went out of stock overnight.
  • Then within the next week, I go back into my order to start tweaking it for the next month.  That way, if something catastrophic or crazy would go down in my life, my order would process and not be a duplicate of the prior month.
  • The order would be a duplicate of the prior month if not altered in between.
  • Then, through the month, I add or delete as I think of other things our family needs.
  • Towards the end of the month, I go in and delete out any extras to bring the total pv amount to my desired amount.
  • If necessary, I adjust my PV Assistant during the month.  PV Assistant will add product to my order to meet my minimum PV that I set.  If something I ordered goes out of stock, PV Assistant will pull something from the list I set up to make sure that I don't miss desired promo items.
  • The 1st day of the month (for me--any day before your processing date) I take a look at the monthly promos to decide what my personal spending will be for that month.
  • And then I wait--for my order to arrive and I start all over again!
  • Oh, I will check a few days after my order processes to make sure it shipped.  If it hasn't, I call Customer Service to see if there are any issues.  This way I avoid missing out on promos due to a credit card issue or out of stock issue.
Enjoy your day!


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