October 2020

Fall is in the air around here.  The leaves are starting to change colors.  The air is getting cooler after a few humid days.  This year we're missing the typical fall fairs and the yummy foods associated with them.  Perhaps I should try making some caramel apples or funnel cakes at home?!  

Check out the Promos for October!

*Free Shipping - with any ER or Shop order of 100 pv.
*Aromaease - I diffuse this or apply topically** for stomach discomfort/uneasiness.
*Ravintsara - Diffuse or apply topically**.  I use this similarly to RC or Raven.
*Inner Defense - We keep this supplement on hand.  My husband uses it regularly.
*Spiced Turmeric Tea - I have yet to try this tea...but I'm looking forward to it!
*Mug - Hand made in Vietnam.  Available while supplies last.  If they run out, 30 pv will be substituted.
**When applying topically, dilute as directed.


September 2020

The nights are getting longer and occasional cool days are slipping into the week here in the mid-Atlantic.  Our kids are settling back into school routines.

September Promos:

1)  Free Shipping - You can now get free "Economy" shipping on any order over 100pv.  Make sure to check your shipping choices if you have an ER Monthly Order over 100 pv to choose free economy, standard ($9.99) or expedited ($19.99).

2)  Copaiba -  We generally use this oil topically, applied where needed.

3)  Purification (ER Only) - I love to diffuse this in my boys' bathroom or put it on a cotton ball in the closet where we keep our shoes.

4)  Mini Young Living Cooler

5)  M-Grain - I apply this topically as needed.

6)  Thieves Mints - I like to keep these in my purse.

Enjoy the beginning of autumn!

August 2020

Hello!  And Welcome to August!  In some ways it feels as if this year is much longer than others, and yet...here it is, August already.

This month, Young Living's Promos focus on cooking with Vitality oils.

Check them out!

I can't tell you much about these oils as I haven't used vitality oils in cooking.  I do use the citrus oils in my water as I am not a fan of plain water.  The Orange Vitality is probably the only one of these I've actually used!  So...I get to try some new things this month too.

Have you ever served food on a charcuterie board?  I have not done that either!  I looked it up and said that they are frequently used to serve meats and items to accompany the meats.  From magazines and such, it seems that there is a trend right now to use these for things other than meats like the gorgeous pancake version at our daughter-in-law's bridal shower.

The one Promo item that I would use...the apron.  I do wear them from time to time.  And my youngest would love to wear a matching one like Mom.

Enjoy your August!  The hot days, the summer wrap up before school begins, the gradually longer nights leading to cooler mornings...


July 2020

July 2020
The weather is hot and muggy here in the mid-atlantic region of the US.  Our garden is growing, as are the weeds and the boys.  We are enjoying time outside swimming and time indoors in the A/C.

Check out the Young Living Promos for July!

Envision:  I like to diffuse this blend.
Common Sense:  I apply a drop of this blend to the back of my neck or diffuse it at times when I want to focus.
KidScents Geneyus:  I like to put a roller ball on the top of this one and roll it on the back of the neck for focus.
Egyptian Gold:  I've heard this is a great oil blend to diffuse or apply topically, but I haven't personally tried it yet.  I look forward to expanding my collection of oils though, and trying new ones.
Valor:  One of our all time favorites.  I like to rub a drop or two on my shoulders when I've overused them.  I also apply a drop to my wrists as part of "The Great Day" protocol.

Reminder:  US prices are scheduled to increase 4% as of September 2020.

Have a wonderful summer!


Life is beginning to look a bit more like summer around here--the roses are blooming.  Heat and humidity returned last week to our area.  Thankfully, the weather is more moderate this week.  As we begin to come out from quarantine, our life is also getting busier as we resume our regular appointments and make up all of the ones that had previously been cancelled.

June is fun month for Young Living!  They have their Grand National Convention in a few weeks.  I'm looking forward to finding out this year's new products!  Also this year, for the first time, this will be a virtual convention.  Tickets are available to members through Friday.  I hope to blog about the new products once they are released.  

And this month's promotional items:

*To receive these items free, place a qualified Essential Rewards order or Shop order (or both--you can receive the promotions twice, ER exclusives with ER order only). 

Citronella - I like to diffuse this one
Peace & Calming - I love to diffuse this one for peace and calming!
YL Picnic Blanket
Kunzea -  I apply this one topically as needed.  Follow dilution instructions on label.
Cool Azul - Dilute as recommended and apply topically after exercising.

Do you find you use different oils at certain times of the year?  What are your favorite oils to use and/or diffuse in the summer?
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