January is nearing its end.

It's a grey day here with a prediction of snow for tomorrow.  As we wrap up January, a few reminders (if you're a Young Living member).
  • If you are on the ER program...make sure your order processed!  Once we are in a new month, it is to late to go back and fix things and you can lose your points and rewards from simple fixes like a credit card update.
  • If you are on the ER program...make sure you set up your PV Assistant and (if needed) adjust minimum purchase each month.
  • If your ER for January already processed, consider working on your February order throughout the month so you don't end up getting the same thing twice because you forgot to update your order to reflect your current needs
  • When placing an ER or Quick Order, you are eligible for certain "free w/minimum purchase items" per this graphic.

Looking forward into February.  As of February 1, 12:00 AM MST, there is a new Premium Starter Kit showcasing the Savvy Minerals line.  It is available to new members when they sign up.  Current members can purchase with a Quick Order.

Enjoy your day!

Mid January

After a break in the chilly weather here in the Mid-Atlantic, we plunged back into chilliness!  I am looking forward to springtime.

This morning I diffused "White Angelica".  This blend had been out of stock for quite awhile and is now back!  I am excited to try it.  This afternoon I'm diffusing Thieves.  

Today is a vacation day for my school kids as we remember Martin Luther King Day.  A few of my homeschooled kids still did some school work.

Enjoy your day!

Ringing in the New Year!

Ringing in the New Year!
I woke this morning and scanned my facebook groups to find the January promotions.  In case you haven't seen them, here they are!

  • A drop of Spearmint Vitality is a refreshing addition to a bottle of ice water.  I like it combined with a couple of citrus vitality oils as well.  (*Available only to members participating in Essential Rewards with a 100pv order)
  • Super Cal Plus.  This supplement looks fantastic!  In fact, I was planning on trying it this month.  How nice that I can get a bottle free with an order of 190PV. 
  • Deep Relief is normally available as a Roll-On.  I love Deep Relief on my shoulders when I'm stressed (I should go apply some now).  (*Available only to members participating in Essential Rewards witha  190 pv order)
  • PanAway.  Is your bottle from your starter kit getting low?  Place an order with 250 pv and get a new bottle of PanAway!
  • Copaiba.  I believe this oil that I use regularly is currently in the Starter Kit as well...so with a 300pv order you can restock 2 of your original oils!
Reminder - If you are on Essential Rewards, check your order before your order date to make any adjustments from last month's order.  Check your PV assistant as well if you want to make sure you don't drop below a promotional level if an item on your order goes out of stock.    Also, "White Angelica" is currently available for Essential Rewards orders only; limit 2/month.

Update - I'm going to try and update this blog more frequently in 2018; however, I plan to send it via email about once a week.  I'd love for you to check in more frequently to see any other blog posts!  You can also follow my Facebook business page, https://www.facebook.com/KJSauder/  

One more reminder:  I currently offer weekly training/information events on Facebook.  To join, check "events" on this website or on the facebook page.

Best Wishes for 2018!

Final Countdown...

Final Countdown...
...to the end of 2018!  Really, I'm not sure where this year has gone, but so it has!

In this final week of the year, I'm:
  • Finally blogging here again
  • Scheduling classes for January (see "events" section of this website)
  • Looking over my January Essential Rewards order to see if I want to make any changes.
  • Verifying my PV Assistant is set at the number that I want to spend (or don't want to go below).
  • Awaiting the 1st of the month to find out January's promotional items!
  • Checking in on some of the team facebook groups for end of the month promotions and classes to decide what opportunities I want to take.
  • Debating about whether to sign-up for the Savvy Minerals Make-up class one of my team leaders is hosting.  I better decide as the deadline is the 28th!  (If you are on my team, you may have received an email from me about this.)
  • Doing laundry.  That just never ends.
  • Cooking.  Ditto.
  • Relaxing, just a bit.  With the school break, life is slightly less hectic.
  • Considering any changes I can make in 2018 to better manage my life.
  • Wondering why the baby is awake already?!  Short nap!
And that's all!  I'll be back with a blog post on January 1 or 2 with the January promotions!

Happy New Year!

December Promos have been released!

I may be more excited about these than any promos this year!  

These are some of my favorite products. 

I love the scent of Northern Lights Black Spruce.  I typically diffuse it alone, but sometimes I add Orange. 

Lemon--When I clean (with Thieves household cleaner), I like to add a few drops of lemon for scent.  I also like diffusing lemon either alone or with purification in bathrooms.

Life 9 is a probiotic with 9 strains.  Several members of our family use it daily.

I have not used Nutmeg Vitality, but I've used the regular Nutmeg with other spicy & citrus scents in our diffuser.   I love Frankincense, so I'm looking forward to see how Sacred Frankincense compares.  It seems like an appropriate oil to diffuse during the Hanukkah & Christmas seasons.

**For those of you getting this by email, I try to only email once a week or so...my apologies for the second email in a few days.  I was to excited to wait until next week!.  :-) 
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